Aleksandr Sautkin, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Studies at Murmansk Arctic State University (Murmansk, Russia). Member of the Russian Philosophical Society. Participant (lecturer and examiner) of the Russian-Norwegian joint Masters degree program in practical knowledge “Borderology”, which is implemented by the Murmansk Arctic State University and Nord University (Bodø, Norway). Head of a working group of annual International Kant and Bakhtin seminar (2013 – present). Research interests: the history of philosophy, philosophical anthropology, cultural studies. Currently, he focuses on the symbolic aspects of socio-cultural identity and the role of imagination in social processes. He is the author of a book in Russian and a chapter in a collective monograph “Philosophy in the Border Zone” in English (Oslo, 2015).
Example publications:
Sautkin, A. (2015). ‘The Living Dead’ as a Liminal Figure: through Outsidedness to Identity. In: Rossvær, V, Sergeev, A. (Eds.). Philosophy in the Border Zone. Oslo: Orkana Akademisk, pp. 77-94 (chapter 4).
Sautkin, A. (2015). Socio-Cultural Identity: An Attempt of Philosophical Comprehension. Murmansk: Murmansk Arctic State University. (in Russian)
Sautkin A. (2017). Understanding Imagination: Towards a New Humanitarian Paradigm. In: Logos. No. 93. Pp. 16-26. (Lithuania)
Sautkin, A. (2016). Cemetery locus as a mechanism of socio-cultural identity. In: Social Identities. Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture. Vol. 22. Issue 6. Pp. 661-677. (UK)
Sautkin, A. (2015). Historical Reenactment as Stylized Identity and its Creative Potential: Bakhtinian Approach to the Socio-Cultural Identity. In: Creativity Studies. Vol. 8. Issue 1. Pp. 25-41. (Lithuania)
Sautkin, A. (2015). Identity And Death In Nikolai Fedorov’s Philosophy Of Resurrection. In: Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Seria Filosofie. № 1 (35). Pp. 67-81. (Romania)