Mark Yeste
Title: “Future Directions for the Young Academy of Europe”
Abstract: Based on the previous presentation of YAE’s broad portfolio of science policy and science advice for policy-related activities, in this interactive panel we aim to discuss the future priorities and agenda of the Young Academy of Europe in the short and long run. As in the case of similar bottom-up initiatives, it is highly important to have membership engagement, thus we count on the input, feedback and insights from the participants about topics and issues to be given more attention, as well as about collaborations or activities which may be less relevant for our members. We should also discuss how we could be more effective in terms of engaging members outside of the Board, in terms of administrative workload or in terms of communication (both public outreach and communication about our activities, and in general the visibility of YAE).
Bio: Marc Yeste studied Biology (BSc) and earned a European PhD in Reproductive Biology from the University of Girona. He also graduated with a Bachelor of Political and Social Sciences (BSocSc), and a Bachelor of Law (LLB) from UNED. Marc was a Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London and was promoted to Assistant Professor of Cell Biology at the Faculty of Human Medicine, University of Girona. He then moved to Autonomous University of Barcelona, as a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Thereafter, Marc joined the Nuffield Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health, University of Oxford, as a Marie Curie Fellow, moving back to Girona University as a Senior Research Fellow (Ramón y Cajal). Currently, he is an ICREA Academia Professor at the Department of Biology, University of Girona, and Director at TechnoSperm, Centre for Reproductive Biotechnology. His research has tackled different topics of Reproductive Biology and Infertility in mammals (encompassing humans, pigs, cattle, horses, donkeys, sheep, mice, cats and dogs).