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Oleksandr Androshchuk is Senior Research Fellow of the Department of Contemporary History and Politics in the Institute of History of Ukraine at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He is an historian specializing in history of territorial and toponymic reforms in Ukraine in the 20th century and problems of regionalism/separatism on Post-Soviet area. In 2004 he defended his PhD thesis titled “Administrative and Territorial Changes in Ukrainian SSR: Planning, Implementation, Outcomes (The Second Half of 1940s – 1960s)”. In 2007-2008 he was Visiting Scholar of the University of Washington (Seattle, USA) as participant of The Carnegie Research Fellowship Program. He was grantee of The Center for Advanced Studies and Education (CASE, EHU, Vilnius, 2009-2010), Polish Committee for UNESCO (2010), Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies „Artes Liberales” (University of Warsaw, 2011). His publications include: Territorial division changes in Ukraine in the 20th century (2014, in co-authorship); „One Ukraine or many? Ukrainian regionalism in English-language scholarly publications” (Istoriohrafichni doslidzhennia v Ukraini, 27, 2017); „V.Chornovil and idea of federalization of Ukraine: evolution of views” (Ukrajns’kyj istorychnyj zhurnal, 1, 2010); „Maps and Boundaries: Images of Space and Territorial Disputes on the Borderland (Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova in the Post-Soviet Time)” (Perekriostki, No. 3-4, 2010). He is editorial board secretary of scientific journal Regional’na istoria Ukrainy (Institute of History of Ukraine).