2015 AE Hubert Curien Initiatives Fund – 1st OPEN CALL FOR PROPOSALS
The Board of trustees are pleased to announce the launch of the 2015 new initiatives fund.
Objective of the fund
The purpose of the fund is to enable members and Sections to undertake projects and activities that benefit the academic community and increase the visibility, presence and impact of the Academia Europaea. The awards are limit to a maximum of 5K Euros per proposal and therefore the expectation is that the funding will be used to lever additional external support or link AE activity into larger projects and initiatives. Meetings of Section Committees are not per se eligible for funding. The emphasis will be on activity that enhances inter and cross disciplinary dialogue and networking across boundaries.
The following conditions apply to the award of grants:
- That the budget for 2015 is initially set at a maximum of 20K EUROS (subject to review mid year)
- That there is no restriction of scope or type of initiative proposed (workshops, regional meetings of Members; participation in international events (as speakers or for dedicated AE sessions), except that funds cannot be used only to support meetings of Section committees.
- That all initiatives MUST be organised with the support and cooperation of one of the Hub offices (although the actual events do not have to physically take place at a Hub location),
- That any initiative should preferably involve at least two Sections or members drawn from across more than one section (including where possible YAE members) and must be in collaboration with other organisations, including seeking other financial partners, or linked into large international events.
- That proposals must be channelled through Section committees and submitted with their explicit support.
- That awards must be reported and publicised in AE newsletters and on the AE web and in the case of events, that the AE logo and weblinks are included into any official documentation. Co-sponsored events should have links from the AE Hub, YAE and AE Corporate websites as necessary.
- Proposals from the YAE will be accepted and are encouraged.
- There will be a maximum AE contribution of 5K Euros, per initiative, for the first call (subject to review).
Application process
Proposer(s) may submit a brief (maximum two pages) proposal (freeform text) describing the project or activity in enough detail to allow a simple “review”. A lead proposer (who must be a member of the AE or YAE) must be identified. He/she will be designated as the grantholder for the purposes of accountability and reporting. Decisions will be taken based on a simple review and allocated on a first come first served basis. Proposers should allow four weeks between submission and final decision. Proposals should be submitted by email to the Executive Secretary David Coates at Execsec@acadeuro.org till 31 May 2015.