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Balancing Mitigation Actions and Their Impacts – Does Climate Mitigation Trump Other Concerns?

Date: Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Venue: University of Bergen, University Assembly Hall, Museplass 3

The Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub organised a meeting entitled “Balancing Mitigation Actions and Their Impacts – Does Climate Mitigation Trump Other Concerns?”

Dilemmas in implementing rapid transformation of the energy system to reach the Paris targets are many. Our expert panel presented and discussed major challenges and possible conflicts between the SDG goals.


The meeting was held in conjunction with the 2019 Annual national conference on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a collaboration between Academia Europaea and the UiB Program for Climate and Energy Transformation. The event was addressed to a broad audience of academics, professionals working in the energy sector, NGOs, and the general public.

The speakers were leading academics working on issues related to climate change and mitigation areas with broad expertise in energy systems, climate action, biodiversity and ecosystems, energy transition, climate policies in Europe, the USA, and China, as well as nuclear energy.

The speakers presented major challenges and possible conflicts between the SDG goals, which was followed by a moderated panel discussion and questions from the audience. For more information please see:

Venue: University of Bergen, University Assembly Hall, Museplass 3.
Time: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 12.15 pm –
05.00 pm (Day “Zero” of the SDG Conference).


12:15 pm – 01:00 pm – Mingling and a light meal
01.00 pm – 01:05 pm – Welcome speech by the organisers
01:05 pm – 02:50 pm – 20 min. presentations by the speakers
02:50 pm – 03:10 pm – Coffee/tea break
03:10 pm – 04:10 pm – Panel discussion between speakers
04:10 pm – 05:00 pm – Panel discussion and Q/A with audience

                (photo: University of Bergen,