Towards the Development of Mediatization Research IV
Towards the Development of Mediatization Research IV
On November 16, the Institute of Social Communication and Media Science, Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin, Poland, and the Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub conducted the closed workshop Towards the Development of Mediatization Research IV, which was already a fourth event in the cycle of workshops on mediatization.
The online meeting took place on November 16, 2020, and it was led by Professor Mark Deuze of the Department of Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam.
The title of the 2020 edition was:
Mediatization of Everyday Life: Media and Love – Transformation of Emotions and Relationships.
We invited mediatization researchers who wished to discuss their research projects with a narrow and closed group of media scholars under the guidance of an expert. The aim of such an exchange was to answer questions including the following:
• how love and romantic relationships are transformed in and through the media
• how people really love their media (devices, platforms, content, and mediated activities and arrangements)
• how the media participate in the process of creating simultaneous real and fictional relationships
• how our emotional life transforms under conditions of mediatization
• how the theory of mediatization can develop in the context of the affective/emotional turn in the humanities and social sciences
The idea and format of the meeting were based on a closed specialisation workshop dedicated to selected aspects of research into mediatization, in a formula well-proven in the previous editions, i.e.:
• the participants work on different types of materials (articles, works in progress, proposals, theses, reports, drafts, documentaries, performances, installations, etc.) under the guidance of the edition leader;
• the meeting is preceded by substantive preparation by the leader and all participants on the basis of materials circulated among all participants in advance;
• during the meeting, all participants focus on group discussion and expert feedback (presentations and speeches are limited to a minimum);
• the seminar is preceded by an introductory lecture by the leader.
The admission was free of charge.
Programme of the online workshop:
Mediatization of Everyday Life: Media and Love – Transformation of Emotions and Relationships
November 16, 2020
09.45 am – 10.30 am Opening Session
Chair: Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Vice-chair: Katarzyna Majkowska, Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub
Vice-chair 2: Mateusz Sobiech, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
09.45 am – 10.00 am Iwona Hofman, Director of the Institute of Social Communication and Media Studies, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Welcome
10.00 am – 10.30 am Mark Deuze, University of Amsterdam, Introductory lecture
10.30 am – 12.00 Session I
- Charles H. Davis, Ryerson University; Szymon Zylinski, University of Warmia and Mazury; Irv Goldman, University of Windsor; Rory Clark, University of Cambridge, Missing (out on) Love – Mediatization of Everyday Life, FOMO, and the Transformation of Emotions
- Mariek Vanden Abeele & Mingyi Hou & Siyu Wang, Tilburg University, Where Are You, My Love? The Negotiation of Intimate Surveillance in Romantic Relationships via Location-Tracking Technologies
- Jamie Foster Campbell, University of Illinois at Chicago, You, Me, and Our OS: How Technology Is Reimagining Intimacy and Communication
12.10 pm – 02.10 pm Session II
Chair: Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Vice-chair: Mateusz Sobiech, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Vice-chair 2: Tiina Räisä, University of Jyväskylä
Vice-chair 3: Sucheta Lahiri, Syracuse University
- Katalin Feher, Budapest Business School University of Applied Sciences, Love Me AI. Outsourced Decisions of Self-Concepts and Self-Love
- Jono Van Belle, Örebro University, Love as a Cultural Frame That Serves as an Interpretative Strategy for Viewers
- Iwona Grodź, Poznan University of Social Sciences, Artists in the Media about Feelings
- Laeed Zaghlami, Algiers University, Social Media: Virtual Space for Expressing Emotions and Feelings
02.40 pm – 04.40 pm Session III
Chair: Mateusz Sobiech, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Vice-chair: Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Vice-chair 2: Szymon Zylinski, University of Warmia and Mazury
Vice-chair 3: Jono Van Belle, Örebro University
- Anastasia Nikitina, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Mobile Technology in Romantic Communications: Affordances and Practices of (Dis)connection
- Sucheta Lahiri, Syracuse University, The Influence of Media upon the Dating Lives and Identities of Heterosexual Never-Married
- Lorena Caminhas, State University of Campinas, The mediatization of erotic experience over technology-mediated sex markets
- Carolina Bandinelli, University of Warwick, Love me Tinder: Dating Apps and the Mediatisation of Love
04.50 pm – 06.50 pm Session IV
Chair: Mateusz Sobiech, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Vice-chair: Katarzyna Majkowska, Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub
Vice-chair 2: Jamie Foster Campbell, University of Illinois at Chicago
Vice-chair 3: Lorena Caminhas, State University of Campinas Katalin Feher, Budapest Business School University of Applied Sciences
- Helena Atteneder, University of Duisburg-Essen, Close Social Relationships in Geomediatized Worlds
- Jeannine Teichert, Paderborn University, How Mediatization Transforms Friendships
- Tiina Räisä, University of Jyväskylä, Mediatization of the Family Institution – Emotional Overload
- Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Family Digital Well-Being and Its Emotions. Four Different Approaches in Dealing or Not Dealing with Media Technology Management in Polish Homes
06.50 pm – 07.00 pm Summary