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Framework Agreement for continuation of the Hub

Framework Agreement for continuation of Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub in Wrocław signed

We are pleased to announce that on 7 March 2017 the President of Academia Europaea, Professor Sierd Cloetingh and the Mayor of Wrocław, Rafał Dutkiewicz signed the official Framework Agreement for Continuation of Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub in Wrocław. It will enable the implementation of the 2017-2018 program, that includes number of projects.



The Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub was opened in 2011 in the heart of the City Center (13, Market Square) as the first regional office of the Academia Europaea.

The main objective of this regional office is:

  • Mobilization and internationalization of the local academic institutions and universities,
  • Supporting Central and Eastern European scholars,
  • Establishment and consolidation of relations between foreign and local researchers,
  • Presentation of Wrocław’s dynamic scientific environment: local academic and research institutions,
  • Organisation and coordination of conferences, symposia, lectures and seminars.

Plans of the Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub for 2017 (tentative):

* 38 Max Born Symposium „Crossing Frontiers in Science: a physicists’ approach”, Professor J. Indekeu, May 2017
* 4th International Lithuania Congress, Professor B. Stundzia, 22-24 May 2017
* Summer School on Democracy, July 2017
* The Wrocław Seminars: New Nationalism: Sources, Agendas, Languages, 25-27 September 2017
* 44th Congress of Polish Physical Society: Professor s. Nakamura, Professor T. Haensch, Professor A. Zeilinger, September 2017
* Seminar coorganised with the Academy of Young Scholars and Artists, September 2017
* Inauguration of postgraduation studies in “Brewing Technology”, October 2017
* Nature 2.0 workshop, late October/early November 2017
* Internal AE meetings in 2017: Bonn (May), Paris (July), Budapest (September)

We invite all the Members, who are interested in any of those events in particular to contact us – we will provide the necessary details and our local support.